Rating of transformer of NAD 306 Amplifier

NAD 306 sterero integrated amplifier
The transformer got burned away.
would like to know the specifications of the transformer
No service centres in my country (INDIA)
Please help
I would contact an NAD service center and discuss your situation with them. They may sell you a replacement transformer. I doubt they will supply you with any technical information and I think it would be wise to replace it with an OEM part.
You can also contact NAD but that will probably be slow going. However, they can give you a name of a service center you can contact.
What about the dealer you bought it from? They should be able to help also.
Did a quick check of NAD's website under "Where to Buy". Cut and pasted this:

712, Linking Rd., Bajaj Niwas
Bandra (W), Bombay India 400050
Tel: 91 22 6001047/49
Fax: 91 98215-17446
E-mail: manasr@10octaves.com