Rate my rig

Rate my rig here

Showing 4 responses by jmcgrogan2

I don't want to be the one to tell you dude, but it sounds like it's coming out of a cheap $5 pair of computer speakers. ;)
You can upgrade all you want on your end, I'm still only gonna hear it through $5 computer speakers. So what's the point?
Thanks Rel, I was gonna post that, but I thought "what's the point?"
Phaelon, LOL!!

I'm taking some videos now and will post them on Youtube, then I will start a post asking you all to Rate My Rack!!! Let the competition begin!!!
02-11-13: Slikric3000
A few people on here have the intellect of a small child

Reading through this thread, it seems like your estimate of a 'few' is a vast understatement, with you leading the parade.
This thread simply serves the purpose of proving why forum boards NEED moderators.