Rank Stereophile, & why no Von Schweikert reviews

Why is it that Stereophile has no Von Schweikert reviews in there archives? Did Albert piss them off? How would you rank Stereophile magazine against their competitors such as The Absolute Sound and others. Who is your favorite? Thanks
Sonance, Those graphs and measurments are absolutely worthless. The finest measuring gear ever made is on the sides of your head. This is what "The Absolute Sound" used to be about (say in the 1980's). They would plug a piece of gear into their reference system and LISTEN to it for a month. Then they would tell you what they heard. That's all that matters - does it sound like music? They were credible because thay had a reference and replaced one component at a time for extended listening and didn't get bogged down in the specs. The specs don't really matter.
If you try, to the extent you are able, to emulate that methodology, you don't need no stinking graphs and you'll develope a great ear also.
How many Von Schweikert ads do you see? The guys a genius.
The new line is excellent, indeed exceptional. The problem seems to be that the audiophile community is 20% listeners and 80% sheep. I know audiophiles that repeat verbatim what they read. LISTEN, and form your own opinion! If then you can't appreciate the product, move on. Simple. Don't let those that hide behind the internet influence your decision.
You all got to know by now that there's alot of BS in this industry! Most of it from someone who's whining!
Don't believe anything you read or hear and only half of what you see. Everyone has an agenda.
That's right. My Zu Druids were delivered in a black helicopter by three guys in Nixon masks. And they were whining about how I should have bought V.S., whatever that is.
A manufacturer's perspective.
We advertise monthly, on the 3rd cover, (inside rear page) at obviously no small expense. We get zero reviews, all the while I see 'endless monthly reviews' on Musical Fidelity.
I have no bone to pick with them--yet it seems that MF is in every issue! How does Stereophile justify so much ink for one manufacturer??
In Las Vegas, one person ONE, other than our Sales account rep, came into our suite.
He was terrific, and admittedly Steven Mejias, wrote a nice piece on what happened, (and was REMARKABLY ACCURATE) in his recitation of events. Yet, somehow, I thought that we might have seveal of their staff coming by to at least see what one of their principal advertisers would be doing--see what kind of sound we were offering--if nothing else from curiosities standpoint.
So the next time you think that ad dollars always buy reviews, think of us, with virtually no notice from Stereophile. We're practically invisible in their magazine. Franky it gives me pause to reevaluate our advertising scheme, spread our advertising to many instead of saturating one.
Any comments--what would you guys do?
Also, how credible are they (Stereophile) vesus, the ezines? Soundstage came by, (we've spent not one dime with them), and gave us a "Value Leader" monniker for our price/sound for all of CES. This really makes me wonder.
Thoughts would be appreciated.

Larry R. Staples
LSA Group