raising subwoofer off floor by 20 inches

i was told by an audio dealer to raise my sub off the floor by 20 inches to achieve better impact/punch and smoother blend with my mains. is this setup worth searching and paying for a sturdy stand? are there any high quality subwoofer stands available?

i would greatly appreciate you sharing your experience. thanks!!


Showing 3 responses by newbee

Sounds odd to me. Most sub's are designed to be on the floor. Raise it that far off the floor and you'll probably screw up the bass by creating a large suck out.

Exactly whats your problem anyway. List your equipment, room dimensions, speaker locations, listener position and perhaps some one can give you some specific help.
I just looked at your system. Your bass graph shows some fairly flat bass. Where is it crossed over? All I can see is an expected droop below 32hz and another droop up about 200hz. What am I missing. Are you trying to get more bass on the 25 to 32 hz area.

I noted some control sliders on the graph - are these actually equalizer controls that you have used to get the bass response that you have? I'm confused (nothing new).
Szutinglee, Have you tried moving your listing position and speakers a bit. Some times we locate them in a null or a node which results the the uneven response indicated by you equalizer settings. Some times not, its just the room dimensions. You might also get a smoother response just by moving the sub around as well.