Radio Programs that appeal to Audiophiles?

I was wondering if you could share any information (description, station name + broadcast time) on any radio programs available over internet that appeal to audio buffs as a result of a knowledgeable host and a focus on playing good music with good sound quality?

I remember the program "Audiophile Audition" years ago on public radio for example.

Another program I currently like is G-Strings (features acoustic guitar performances) with Tom Cole on WPFW in Washington, DC SUnday mornings from 9-12, though the sound is better over the air than over internet with WPFW in general.

Showing 1 response by mapman

BTW, I am specifically looking for educational or informative, hosted radio programs where one can actually learn something about the topic at hand from listening to the host and the music played, not just programs or stations that have a good play list.

Or maybe these programs or stations have websites that one can go to to learn. That would work also.
