Radio Paradise in FLAC

I switched the new, improved Radio Paradise feed over to FLAC and it sounds darn good. Soundstage seems much improved.

Showing 2 responses by hgeifman

It works. I am streaming Radio Paradise “FLAC” to my Aurender N10 server using Apple AirPlay (from my iPad).  As was suggested by Aurender customer support, I increased the iPad’s volume to the maximum.  Music sound quality is very good.  

I am looking forward to the proposed RP simpler solution.  My best guess is RP URL for the FLAC streaming. We will see.
I added the Radio Paradise FLAC Steaming URL link to my Aurender Music Server.   I received this link from Radio Paradise and it is a FLAC stream via this URL.   The link is:

For Aurender users, I go into the radio tab, click on the + sign and enter the URL.   I named it Radio Paradise FLAC.  It works perfectly.