Radio Paradise becoming repetitive?

Having whined about Qobuz dropping material I guess it's time to start on Radio Paradise.  To be clear, I love Radio Paradise and I contribute.   My partner agrees. It's playing most of the time all over our houses (BlueOS).  We listen to everything but the rock channel.

But that said, I just don't think I can stand any more Joni Mitchell, Neal Young or Paul Simon.  There's just so much stuff out there, but these three seem to occupy about 20% of their lists.  Yeah, yeah, please spare me the "Well, then listen to something else" stuff.  Unless, of course, that's followed by a proposal of what that might be.  Any good alternatives that are more varied?  Honestly, i feel churlish whining directly the RP.  Thanks and Cheers,


Showing 3 responses by jbuhl

There has been a fair number of changes at RP recently.  You can read Bill's blog post on the RP site to get the details.   Maybe a little neglect on some channels has surfaced. I listen to the main feed and have not noticed significant repetition.  You might try Mother Earth Radio for a change up, streams and higher resolution, out of Germany.    I use it via ROON and its a nice change up from RP.  Go check out their whats playing and see if its to your like.  Hard to find anything as eclectic as RP.  Love the way in ROON when a track plays you can click on the metadata link and go into Qobuz and play more of that artist or just fav the track and never upset the RP stream, killer.  

SOMA.  only plays at 320kbp but if you got a upsampling DAC it still sound purdy good especially for Wall Paper listening.