Radio Paradise becoming repetitive?

Having whined about Qobuz dropping material I guess it's time to start on Radio Paradise.  To be clear, I love Radio Paradise and I contribute.   My partner agrees. It's playing most of the time all over our houses (BlueOS).  We listen to everything but the rock channel.

But that said, I just don't think I can stand any more Joni Mitchell, Neal Young or Paul Simon.  There's just so much stuff out there, but these three seem to occupy about 20% of their lists.  Yeah, yeah, please spare me the "Well, then listen to something else" stuff.  Unless, of course, that's followed by a proposal of what that might be.  Any good alternatives that are more varied?  Honestly, i feel churlish whining directly the RP.  Thanks and Cheers,


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

I happened to listen to Radio Paradise Eclectic mix very frequently. They repeat sets.

There are thousands of internet channels. Qobuz has over half a million high Rez albums… and well over a million albums… more music than you can listen to in your lifetime… but that is something to complain about?

Personally I rejoice at the incredible diversity and depth of music offered for almost free. I guess it is glass virtually full versus a glass missing a couple drops.