Rachmaninov for beginners

Rachmaninov is a composer that I've tried to listen to on a few occasions but never been able to get into. I have this nagging feeling that I might not have started out with the right piece, but then again, it's also possible that his music is just not my cup of tea.

This morning while watching Sesame street with my daughter they featured a Chinese born pianist, whose name I think was something like Lang Lang or Ling Ling, and he played a beautiful piece of Rachmaninov music.

So now I'm thinking I should give it another try. I love piano music, and I prefer orchestral to chamber or solo (so think Piano concertos). I also like my classical music romantic .. Brahms, Schumann, some Beethoven, some Dvorak, some Mozart (Piano conc. no 20 in particular). I don't like overt displays of virtuosity ... the music comes first.

Are there Rachmaninov experts out there who could offer a suggestion for an introductory piece ?

Many thanks


Showing 1 response by uru975

What is not mentioned above is that Rachmaninoff was not only a great composer but made is living for the most part as a concert performer, perhaps the last great pianist/composer. His hands were massive, said to equal Liszt's, which is why it is the rare player who can play either with ease, they wrote for their hands.
For lushness there is little that compares with his Rhapsody on a Theme by Paginini, especially by Van Cliburn, I would second the Vespers by the Robert SHaw Singers, I would add his cello sonotas by Steven Isserliss, also the piano concertos by Askenazy, Rubinstien and late Agerich, his orchestral suites are also quite nice.
Hearing Rachmaninoff play his own works or Liszt is amazing his speed, acuracy and timing are different than what we are now used to but their compelling sound is worth listening to