Rachmaninov for beginners

Rachmaninov is a composer that I've tried to listen to on a few occasions but never been able to get into. I have this nagging feeling that I might not have started out with the right piece, but then again, it's also possible that his music is just not my cup of tea.

This morning while watching Sesame street with my daughter they featured a Chinese born pianist, whose name I think was something like Lang Lang or Ling Ling, and he played a beautiful piece of Rachmaninov music.

So now I'm thinking I should give it another try. I love piano music, and I prefer orchestral to chamber or solo (so think Piano concertos). I also like my classical music romantic .. Brahms, Schumann, some Beethoven, some Dvorak, some Mozart (Piano conc. no 20 in particular). I don't like overt displays of virtuosity ... the music comes first.

Are there Rachmaninov experts out there who could offer a suggestion for an introductory piece ?

Many thanks


Showing 2 responses by marakanetz

I'd recommend you watching movie "Shine".
It will give you a push to deeply appreciate this music.
Basing on the title of the post Sean,
I'd rather say that Rachmaninov isn't for the beginners.
I consider him as a barrier between Romantic and modern classical music and also one of the most innovative and unique composers of 20th century and even upto now.
It's sophisticated for the musicians and probably only suitable to a "grandmaster" level to perform.
After understanding Rachmaninov you can start researching Prokofiev and after Alphred Schnittke(Alf).