RA Opus 21 vs. Kuzma Stabi S?


I am thinking about getting my first turntable in some time. I don't have lots of records (however this could change), but I have about 1000 cds. My dealer (not local anymore) offered me a good deal on a Kuzma stabi S + Rega 300 + reca cart. So my questions is if this set up is going to be decidedly better than my Opus 21, which is really good btw.

If you don't know the Kuzma please feel free to offer comparisons between the Opus 21 and other tables in the 1500 range.

Just want to know if I am wasting my time.

Regards, Shawn
Tough Call, as to whether you should get into analog, since you don't have any LPs now, and wish to only spend $2K. (This is not to say that you won't enjoy listening to a $2K setup, you will. But, whether it will be better than the Opus is another matter. I think it would be a toss up myself.)

However, there are a couple of other things to consider, which you probably already know, but in case you hadn't, I will bring them up.

1. Cleaning supplies are a must with a turntable. My best advise is to get a vacuum RCM (even a cheap one like a Nitty Gritty or a DYI kit), will really take your vinyl experience to the next level. Listening to clean albums is a joy, whereas listening to the clicks and pops of dirty or even marginally cleaned albums more of a chore.
(I own a NG 1.0 and while it is hardly S.O.T.A., it helps me clean my records, so that for the most part, they have almost as quiet a background as CDs. That is one of my biggest priorities with my albums, is having a black background.)
I would budget at least a hundred dollars, and maybe more like a few hundred to get a RCM, which is what I would do.
If you really dislike the prospect of having to clean albums, (and you need to clean them at least the first time you play any album, and yes, even the new ones), then don't bother getting into vinyl, and stick with CDs.

2. The cost of new albums is rather steep in comparison to new CDs. You should figure that into your cost analysis as well. New LPs typically run $15-30, vs. $10-15 for CDs.
However, used LPs can be dirt cheap, if you get them at flea markets, salvation army, etc. But then again, you need to have a first rate RCM to really get them clean, (which gets back to point #1 again).

Good Luck in making your decision. I made the decision to get into vinyl a few years ago, but for me it was different, since I had a TT years ago and several hundred LPs to play already. (Of course now I have a couple of thousand LPs, and I have already upgraded my entire analog system.)
Well I guess I would get a cheapish phono stage for the moment. Maybe used $500 max.

So I guess I should be asking if I am not willing to go over 2k for a analogue front end, AND I don't not have a large number (less than 100 lps), is it from a performance point of view worth investing in? At least compared to the opus 21.

I guess if I am not going gain noticeably better performance for my 2k investment, I would rather just get a project TT (about $600) or something and have a little fun.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

What phono preamp are you going to be using with it?
Is it something decent like an ARC or an Ear, or is a something cheaper like a NAD PP-2?
I recommend that you spend a decent amount on your phono preamp in order to get your analog source a decent chance of sounding its best.

I don't know the Kuzma myself, however, I do know that my Basis 1400, w/RB 300 arm and a Benz Micro Glider II was better (slightly) than my RA Opus 21, when used with my ARC LS-2 preamp and ARC PH-3 phono preamp. (And now my Basis 2001, w/RB 900 arm and Shelter 90X is considerably better, especially though my Ayre K-1xe's phono boards.)

PS I agree the RA Opus 21 is a great cdp. I've only heard one cdp that clearly beat it and that was the $9K Audio Aero Capitole II.