R.I.P: Rest In Peace Roy Johnson, Green Mountain Audio's Genius


It is with heavy heart that I bring to you the heart breaking news of the passing of one of audio's true geniuses. Roy Johnson passed away this week after a long battle with cancer. He was a truly brilliant speaker designer, and true friend, and an amazing person. For those of us lucky to have known him as customers or friends we know he was infinitely committed to lending a hand, imparting his wisdom, solving problems and creating some of the most amazing loud speakers ever heard.  There were often gremlins in my system not centered around his loudspeakers and Roy would literally drop everything and help me trace down problems, while all the time educating and teaching me, not for gain, not for money, but because that's who Roy Johnson was. 

He will be greatly missed for his humor, his dedication, and his selflessness in audio and in life.

Rest in Peace Dear Friend,

You Are Loved
Grannyring, please allow the mods to look at my feedback if credibility is what you seek.  Have a glass of scotch and take it light.  Just because a little truth tastes like sour milk in your cereal doesn’t give you the right to keep others experiences from this thread.  If you some how get our posts removed (I’d hope the mods can allow some sanity to prevail here) then you will have accomplished nothing other than us having to start a new thread.  
Relax, Roy was a great designer.  Some people have concerns (people got swindled) though and you should mind your business.  This is the perfect place for them to seek retribution.  The proper audience is in attendance.

I have already sought advice from a solicitor about making a claim as a creditor against Roy's estate, but have decided not to pursue this because of the expense to do so, and the likelihood of getting my money back even if the court ruled in my favour. For anyone wishing to pursue this, however, note that there will be a time limit to make a claim, which is usually a matter of months.
Also be mindful, even though this  is an internet based community, MOST, if not all who are posting here have been in this community with numerous verifiable transactions for many years.  I’ve been an Audiogon member for a long time.  I just choose not to post every idea, review, thought that I have.  I also encourage people to share their experiences even if it doesn’t always resonate positively with me.  Freedom of speech comes to mind.  Acceptance that we all don’t see things the same way but are willing to participate in a conversation that isn’t one sided.  
GRANNY, you may have thousands of posts but feel free to NOT thwart the opinions of others.  Nothing here said was disrespectful or cruel.  Just honest.  Let people vent because they certainly aren’t going to get their money back.  At least they can get it off their chests. 
I’ve been a member here longer than you but NEVER would I feel that I have the right to police a thread that I don’t agree with.  
The gushing responses of people who I am guessing really didnt "know" the man is what necessitates the unsavory posts. I maintain that when you screw people over this becomes part of your legacy. 
I couldn’t agree more.  I’ve made my point as others have too.

 Roy was still one of the best speaker designers out there.  Many have debated his claims of time and phase but the debate always ended when they would actually hear one of his better designs.  There’s no denying that truth either!
I wish everyone here a good rest of the week and please don’t be offended.  After all, we have much bigger things to worry about while we spin around on OUR lava cored rock at approximately 18,000 miles per hour!