"O Perfect Preamp, wherefore art thou?"

Help me find my beloved. Here is a description:

-She has nice tubes and a beautiful voice
-Her superb Phono Stage can drive a 0.28mv cart with ease and grace
-She has the ability to bypass a Cinema when asked
-She is very very quiet
-She is single (ended), but is not averse to having a balanced life in the future
-She looks great, even though she may be "of a certain age"

If you know her, tell me her name and where I can find her.

Many thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xalonski
bypassing cinema can be achieved by level matching speakers via connections from your processor to the Aux inputs and using that setting when you watch movies.
You could try the Supratek Grange. Contary to popular belief, he may still make a no holds bar version on special request.

I will second the recommendation of the VAC Renaissance. Excellent build quality, no cheap folded sheetmetal chassis like a lot of others and a jewel like faceplate. A great sounding pre with all the features you asked for. Expect to pay 4K plus used.