"Kisses on the Bottom" by Paul McCartney

Is it just me, or is this the most disgraceful and laughable album title to come along in recent memory? Has he outdone himself this time, or what? The cover art and contents appear to be equally cringeworthy.

Showing 3 responses by audiofeil

Let's cut the old boy a little slack.

Taking into consideration all McC's albums with The Beatles, Wings, and solo projects no other singer/songwriter except Dylan has produced anything close to his body of work.
No you don't.

Neil Young does not belong in the same conversation as McCartney and Dylan.

As are dozens of other artists but McC and Dylan are the 2 living preemeinent rock singer/songwriters. There really is nobody else in this league.

With respect to Paul Simon, Neil Young, Becker/Fagan, Plant/Page, and all the rest.