"It doesn't impress you at first..."

Hey everyone,

Have you noticed how the above analysis has been a staple in professional audio reviews? I've read so many times that item x won't impress me instantly, but that as I live with it, I'll begin to appreciate "the little things" it does that make it amazing.

Personally, my goal is to get as close to the sound of live music as I can. When I get close, I know it. Instantly. "Living" with a component has never changed my gut instinct about it. If I have to sit there and analyze the sound, thinking about the mid-bass and the PRaT and the soundstage, to me that means something's wrong. If I love a component, I generally know within the first 10 seconds.

I'm sure many people do things totally differently and are very happy with their own methods. What do you think?

Showing 1 response by tireguy

I agree with the "living" with ideology, only because it has been my experiences. The best components I have found don't blow you away upon initial listen, but its the fact they do nothing wrong and it takes a while to get used to. I have also found the most fatigueing components are the ones that blow me away upon first listen, the "wow" factor wears off and what ever caught your ear now drives you mad!

Clearly there is a difference between good sound and bad sound, once those lines have been defined its the subtle things that make a system enjoyable to me. This could easily be a difference between the way various people listen and the things they relate with live music.

A classic example which holds true every time I try them are silver cables, I have yet to find one that I don't find fatigueing. Yet at first listen I am blown away and think this is exactly what I need, but it doesn't sound like live music and this wears me down. The funny thing is every maker of silver cables claims there cables don't sound like other silver cables- after all ours went to an ivy league school so they are better then your silver cables:^) I find it funny that if everyone is trying to make silver cables that don't sound like silver cables then why start with silver in the first place!?!?!?

With truly great components it can be love at first note, but these don't come around that often.