"3 Dimensional Sound"?

Many speaker ads boast of "3 dimensional sound" from their product. I can easily hear the width dimension (based on left and right panning) and a sense of depth. But can you get height information from two speakers?

Showing 1 response by audiokinesis

I have a very hastily-produced recording that clearly illustrates height information. On some cuts the vocalist's microphone is physically set too high, causing his voice to sound like it's coming from down near the floor. On some it's too low, so his voice comes from over six feet up. I was able to confirm the microphone locations by talking with the artist. The speakers I heard this on were full-range electrostats; I couldn't hear the height information on a conventional two-way that I tried. I suspect that a time and phase coherent design (Dunlavy, Green Mountain, Thiel, Meadowlark, and various full-range electrostats) would reproduce the height information better than other designs.