Quobuz - does anyone know if Quobuz will be adding DLNA as Streaming Protocol?

I'd like to stream music on Quobuz to my PS Audio dac using the network bridge, but I can only do it using usb. Since getting the Uptone Audio EtherREGEN it's the only way I want to listen because it sounds so much better than usb input.  

Showing 2 responses by audiojerry

Yes, I tried BubbleUPnP and Mconnect on my android phone and google tablet, and Audirvana on a laptop. At times it looked like Bubble and Audirvana was working and it looked like music was trying to play. I saw movement of the 'play' bar but it always stopped after a few seconds and I never got audio. The Quobuz website says you can play Quobuz with DLNA on Audirvana, but it did not work for me.    
Hey guys, thanks for your comments. 

I did read that  mconnect and BubbleUPnP works on IOS, but I don't own any IOS devices. All my devices are connected to the same network, and the dac shows on Bubble and mconnect on my android devices as PS Audio DirectStream, and on Auidirvana on Google Chrome, but I was never able to play for more than a few seconds and never with audio.