Quicksilver MC Step Up Help

Just purchased a used on from here at Gon. Setup is Scout with Shelter 501->Quick silver MC Stepup->PSAudio GCPH->Preamp

No output at all, (without the MC sound is normal) Qucksilver comes with the outpur RCA cables pre-attached, I have then hooked up to the phono amp.

Coincidently QuickSilver is in hte process of relocating to California and are closed, Waiting for seller to respond. Any help is appreciated.


Showing 1 response by tubegb


I could be missing something here, but if you're connecting to the moving coil input of the PS Audio GCPH you should not also be trying to use a pre-preamp or step-up device. The PS Audio unit would/should be designed with enough gain to accomodate your moving coil cartridge direct.