Lots of, "bets" and assertions from wesheadley, lacking one iota of documentation or anything (in the least) demonstrable.
Then their: "I choose", leaving the ubiquitous, "TRUST ME!", to be assumed.
Don’t waste a microsecond, reading the blather from the deaf, delusional, and divergent (from fact).
No one can tell you whether/how your system, room and/or ears will respond to some new interconnects. There are simply too many variables.
The only way you’ll know for certain, is try them for yourself.
The least expensive way: contact the guys at The Cable Company and take advantage of their lending library.
For a pittance, you can try a few of their offerings and the rental fees are applied to any purchase made.
Whether to explore/spend further: up to you!*
*YES: the USA's still a free country (thank a Vet)! Happy listening!