Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd.

Quick question for the Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd. 

Why don't you all just completely eliminate cables by buying an all in one with powered speakers using Wi-Fi or BT?  


Showing 4 responses by jji666

Your cables can’t sound that great if you got bored enough to post that.

Besides, most skeptics of cables have a more nuanced view than your post implies. 

Clearly it's under your skin or you wouldn't have chosen to start an entire thread that is basically trolling.  What you just did was try to start a fight with literally no functional need for your posts.  I think I saw you on the highway tailgating 2 feet from the car in front of you yesterday, weaving in and out without signaling. Your post is basically road rage in another form. 

Not interested in fighting with you, and you made my point. 

Which was what exactly?  That those skeptical of marketing claims around cables should stick to all in one units?  That is not a point, it was simply an attempt at an insult or to start an argument. 

There isn't anyone here who believes cables are unnecessary.  Components have to be connected. What you were doing was simply starting a fight without even the pretext of having a serious thought or question. It's purely uncivil and doesn't reflect well. Sophomoric, really. 

My only point here, other than to be annoyed by a naked attempt at starting an argument, is that most cable skeptics have far more nuanced positions than "they are not necessary."

all good not here to argue, so please stop arguing

Apology accepted smiley

We all love music and gear...I prefer the fun side of the discussions a lot more!