Quick power cord question:

With a  DIY power cord that I just made, (pure, solid .9999 12 gauge silver) the tubes in that mono amp seem to be a little brighter than the other amp with the original power cord. So, do you think the tubes are brighter because they are getting more power through the new DIY cord or is the amp having to work harder and that’s why the tubes are brighter?



Showing 5 responses by b4icu

The true test, is to replace the kettle power cord, with your .99999 Silver
DIY, boil some water and make a cup of tea. Is it a better tea than the one with the 1.50$ original power cord?

For your attention:
Silver conducts only 5% better than copper. 
Silver cost is 130 times more than copper. So you did a bad deal...
You could gain the same conductivity with 5% more cross section in the copper wire, for 130 times less the price!
I don't know about silver, but copper that goes to the electric industry, is by STD 99.98% pure copper. The rest 0.02% has no significant on conductivity. 

I don't know about the law in your country, in mine, you need to have an electrician certificate to do a power job. If someone get shocked from a none certified cable, it is punishable with jail time.

Mr. ozzy

It was Mr. rodman99999 post I ref. to.
Sorry, I have no idea.
I think it will have a 3-4 digits price tag.
Save it.
You can flush down the drain the same amount, it will give you the same feelling.
Mr.  rodman99999

How expensive is that Audioquest Dragon?
Did you know that silver conducts electricity, only 5% better than copper? But it costs 130 times more.
In other words, If you take a silver wire, with 5% more cross section than Silver, at the same length, they will measure identical.
For the price, it will cost 130 times more. Could you please explain, what justify that price for no electric benefit?

About the battery maintains a constant/stable polarization of the dielectric: I wonder how I reached to my age without ever hear about it or need it? 

Mr. rodman99999

That battery you got, is for an Interconnect?
Between what it is connected? (the line and shield)?
Mr. rodman99999

Thanks for the info over the Audioquest "DBS system: Noise-Trapping DBS Packs".

I see that it is a BS sleeve that Audioquest claims it will work on any cable: Interconnect, and speaker..." interconnect (analog or digital) or speaker cable ".
The nature of those 3 is very different, especially of the line resistance to ground. This is a product that simulates the best snake oil over a cable, but it’s a solid with a battery and a LED.

They also lost me on this: https://www.audioquest.com/accessories/audio-enhancements/preamp-jumpers
As directional on an AC signal is the greatest BS ever!
To remind everyone, that Audio is an AC (sine wave) that flowers both directions, each 50% of the time. So, on which 50% is that benefit the signal and on which 50% it damages it.

Would you please be kind to ask Audioquest (a known cable maker for decades), what speaker cable do I need, if I use an Amp. with DF=400, and cable length is 3m?