Questioning Tannoy, Tekton or other possible change.

Upgradeitis is setting in. I am wondering what I should consider first: speakers, amp, power cable or other?
Where’s the weak link?

Current setup:

Amp: Line Magnetic LM805ia (SET) with NOS tubes

Cables: Power: Shunyata Venom V10 NR, RCA: Cardas Golden Presence and Duelund. speaker cables: Shunyata Anaconda, Ethernet: Supra Cat 8, Tone audio EtherREGEN, DS220J Synology DS220+ NAS, 3x dedicated power lines (10ga)

Speakers: Tannoy Turnberry, DEBRA sub-array utilizing 2x SA1000 amplifiers

Streamer/DAC: Lumin S1, Shunyata Etron Alpha Digital power cord

I’ve been eyeballing the Tekton Moabs, but I’d rather not expend the energy/time/money if they are not a whole lot better than my Tannoy’s. Does anyone have experience with both Tannoy and Tekton? If so, are Moabs a worthwhile change, or stick with what I have? The other thing I wonder is if Moabs are ok for my 15x20 room with an 8ft ceiling?



Showing 1 response by veerossi

I love this place. Thanks for the feedback and many great responses.

I should have mentioned I do cherish my Turnberrys and all the wonderful things they do. The time I’ve spent with them (for the most part) has been delightful. When I say "most part" it’s because of the really long break-in and the fact they sit about 4-5" below ear level (for now).
I was hoping the Tektons were that one rare and underpriced killer holy grail-deal I’ve been waiting for. I was also hoping to find out (all things being equal) is if the Tekton’s soundstage height, width and depth is greater or less than that of the Tannoys. I’m still (barely) optimistic someday I might come across the one thing which takes my system’s sound to the next level without having to shell out 10x $ for a 10% improvement.

Mesch: “Sometimes it is change we are looking for. Not improvement.”

I think you hit the nail on the head, my friend.

So, I’ll shelf my no-weak-link, side-grade, phase-coherent bad idea for now. It sounds like it’s might be time to invest in some real room treatment and professional counseling instead of messing with my speakers.

Thanks for the link Duke. It’s incredible how much this man knows about sound. “There is more useful and reliable information on the side of a tire than in most loudspeaker specifications!”