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Question on PrimaLuna EVO 400 Amp: Fully Balanced (Differential), or No?
I've just taken delivery of new PrimaLuna (separates) EVO 400 amp & pre, and need some informed advice in re: hooking up my single REL S/812 sub. The REL manual shows different connection schemes for Differential (fully balanced), as opposed to standard. I do have balanced (XLR) interconnects from DAC to pre, and from pre to amp, and there's a switch on the back to select for XLR connections, which I've engaged.
I've checked the PrimaLuna owner's manual, and searched online, but I can't find any indication of whether the EVO 400 amp is "Standard" or "Differential" (fully balanced). Does anyone know for sure? The REL cable has 3 terminations, and in standard amps, the black ground wire is connected, whereas in Differential, it hangs loose, or "floats." Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.