@zmann007 My dealer has that EVO 300 Hybrid. I've listened to it for many hours on multiple speakers and really, really enjoy it. Congrats on the purchase!
Question on PrimaLuna EVO 400 Amp: Fully Balanced (Differential), or No?
I've just taken delivery of new PrimaLuna (separates) EVO 400 amp & pre, and need some informed advice in re: hooking up my single REL S/812 sub. The REL manual shows different connection schemes for Differential (fully balanced), as opposed to standard. I do have balanced (XLR) interconnects from DAC to pre, and from pre to amp, and there's a switch on the back to select for XLR connections, which I've engaged.
I've checked the PrimaLuna owner's manual, and searched online, but I can't find any indication of whether the EVO 400 amp is "Standard" or "Differential" (fully balanced). Does anyone know for sure? The REL cable has 3 terminations, and in standard amps, the black ground wire is connected, whereas in Differential, it hangs loose, or "floats." Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.