Question: Need Help with Cover Art Not Being Displayed on the Aurender N10 Music Server

My dealer ran my LaCie hard drive files through JRiver software to ensure everything was okay (it was).  I then copied my LaCie hard Drive files to my Aurender. When competed, all the files were there but the album cover art was missing.  

As instructed by the dealer, I ran the files through the Aurender Media Manager to create an index. I then connected the LaCie hard drive to the Aurender and it ran for maybe 30 minutes.  I was hoping it would enable the album cover art but it did not.  The album cover art is missing from the display but all the albums are listed correctly (and play okay).

And, yes, I also checked iTunes on my MAC Book Pro computer and confirmed the album art is still on the LaCie hard drive. All my album cover art displayed perfectly using iTunes.

I am waiting for my dealer to call me with a solution for the missing cover art.  Does anyone know what I should do to get the album cover art displayed on the Aurender?  Am I missing a process that needs to be run?  Any suggestions are appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by sbank

Get Yate on your mac, and use the auto art search for each album. Works well, and the metatag editing is very nice and user-friendly. 

I doubt you meant any harm, but the way your last post reads it sort of implies fault on Aurender for not properly getting art from iTunes. IMHO, the blame if one cares to spread it goes to Apple for not imbedding art in every song/file in iTunes, like just about every other piece of music software does. This topic has been discussed ad nauseum on computeraudiophile forums. Cheers,
Well done!!! Really glad that Doug's scripts did the trick. Many on the computeraudiophile forum have recommended Dougscripts for many situations. 
Your detailed instruction in your last post will be beneficial to many former iTunes users who buy other servers than Aurender as well. The issue will likely be the same for most types of servers.
Enjoy your Aurender.  I'm jealous! Cheers,