Question for you Denon DL-103 folks

Hi folks,

I recently bought a new Rega RP1 and I love it. This turntable is begging for a good cartridge, as it comes with the Rega Carbon (a re-branded AT), which is a passable basic cartridge but falls wayyy short of what this table can do. I’m temporarily going to swap it out for my Grado Black +, but I do not intend to use it over the long term.

I’ve been researching cartridges in the sub-$500 range, and the choices are endless. One cartridge that has captured my interest is the Denon DL-103. The reason why this cartridge appeals to me is that, based on what I’ve read, it leans a bit to the warm side, in addition to being a superb performer for the price.  I bring up "warm" because I’m using a Parasound Z-Phono, a Rotel preamp, and a Musical Fidelity power amp to run my Magnepans. The last thing I need is a bright or dry-sounding cartridge.   I also read a review where they said it worked fantastic with their Rega tonearm.  

Because I’m not planning on buying a new phono stage, or a step-up transformer, you guys can probably figure out why I’m asking for opinions/advice. My Z-Phono, which I enjoy quite a bit, has MC gain of 61db, and the minimum recommended gain for the DL-103 is 60db. Would it be risky to buy this cartridge and hope that it works with the Z-Phono? Does anybody have any input here, or recommendations for MM cartridges that are similar in sound characteristics to the DL-103? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by smctigue1

Yes Lewm, the M20FL Super. I believe mine (gold body) was produced around '79. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be as good as it is when I bought it. 
I experimented with a mass'd up (Uwe Ebony body) DL103 on a Rega arm. I ran mine through a Auditorium 23 SUT. A rich weighty midrange was its top virtue. The experiment lasted about a month as I got tired of the whitish highs I was getting on the Rega. I moved on to vintage MM's. My current favorite is an Ortofon M20FL. It builds on the midrange of the 103 with much improved highs (extended but natural) and a much better bass weight and heft. Very organic cart that really brings the music alive. Amazingly coherent. The one caveat with this cart is it needs a fair amount of capacitance to shine. I run mine at 350pF/47K. It doesn't look like your Phono pre has adjustable capacitance loading. You would need to be comfortable with a soldering iron. 

Not only has this cartridge displaced the 103, its also has a Shelter 501 II, a DV 17D3 and an EMT TSD 15 sitting on a shelf.
pryso, yes, that’s where I first read about the M20FL. Raul mentioned it fairly early then moved on. It did have a group of loyal supporters despite all of the cartridge of the week bouncing around people were doing.