Question for Tyler Acoustic owners.

I currently have a pair of Taylo Ref 2's(with the revelator upgrade). I was wondering what amps other Tyler Acoustic owners are using with his products. Also if anyone has compared the REF 2's with the Linnbrook's as I'm leaning towards this upgrade path.

My current system consists of:

Pair of Classe DR-9 in mono mode.
Audio Research LS-15
Denon DVD-5000 as a Cd player
Audio Note TT1/OL arm/Grado Sonata/Sonic Frontiers SFP-1

thanks everyone.

Showing 1 response by bobheinatz

I have owned the Lynbrooks for about 9 months and drive them with a BEL Mk11 and they sound wonderful. I have never listened to the Ref. monitors but after listening to many other higher priced speakers I can tell you the Lynbrooks are the best that I have ever heard under $10,000.