Question for those with Tannoy experience

I like the sound of Tannoy 633 Rosewood D30 but not that of Cantons including Fonum 802DC and some other German brands, Rogers, Kenwood, Otto, Pioneer, etc. Tannoys somehow seem musical to me. My amp is a HK and mostly listen to music in stereo. Much appreciate your expert opinions/experiences on below to narrow in my search:

1. What other speaker brands will I possibly like?
2. What's the best sounding budget Tannoy speaker model that's hopefully an upgrade from Tannoy 633? Prefer big towers but hey sound is the important thing here.. : )
3. Which countries have the best used speakers (er... used Tannoys) shops where I can listen before buying?

Showing 1 response by vinylvalet

Try and audition a Fyne Audio model in your price range. The company was founded by ex-Tannoy folks. A friend of mine replaced Tannoy Canterbury speakers with  the much less costly Fyne F703 speakers.