Question for sub woofer users

I'm kicking around getting a sub for my Quad 2805 speakers.  Here's the question;

Are subs "set and forget," or do you have to constantly fiddle with output volume and crossover point with different recordings?

Thanks in advance,


Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

One sub can be fine and you should simply move it around until you like the sound (generalizing, but my original REL worked great alone). I did get another REL last year and I like having two just to calm the corner standing waves. The "leave it alone" level thing doesn't work for me as bass levels on recordings can differ greatly, and I simply turn them up or down sometimes (rarely, but necessary)…no big deal as the level is right there. If you have a Room Correction Nanny gizmo you may be able to leave the sub level alone.
I'm a REL fan of course, but I do question their claim that the High Level input reproduces the sound of the amp. I certainly uses the signal of the amp but since it then goes through its own amp this claim seems like hype…understandable, but hype nonetheless, and with low frequencies likely not a big deal anyway as low frequencies generally rely on higher tones for aural specificity (!) and much of the overall tonal character unless the sub is very poorly designed.