Question for Paradigm Studio 100 owners ...

I'm having some trouble getting the proper amount of bass from my 100v.2 speakers. A fellow inmate at the Asylum suggested moving them out from the rear wall. I was wondering if any of you have experienced increased bass from your Studio 100 or similar speaker after moving them away from the rear wall? Also, how far from the wall did you have to move them to get optimum sound? Any other suggestions re: speaker placement of the Studio 100s would be appreciated. Have a great holiday and thanks for the responses.

John B
Let me go on the record that I have never heard the 100v2s sound good close to the walls.The bass was always sloppy and boomy. This it with the use of at least 6 different amplifiers and several different preamps and sources.Also setup up in 4 different rooms. They sounded best 3 to 6 ft from the wall. This didn't increase the bass it made it more controlled and decreased the bloat.

My definition of better bass is no overhang,being able to follow a solo double bassist through from beginning to end without blurring or drawn out overhang(not easy for most speakers).So my definition of better bass may differ from others.Sources used were a Cary 308,Quad 99 CDP,Rega Planet,Sony DVP 7700,Arcam FMJ DV27, Denon 2900,Denon 3910 and Denon 1710.

Out of all the amplifiers that were hooked to the 100v2 that I've heard. The Cary V12 sounded the most controlled and musical... surprisingly.When used with a Cary tubed preamp the sound became too soft and indistinct.A Linn Control solid state preamp was much better at transients and bass.I've also heard them on a Rotel RMB-1095, McIntosh 7106,McIntosh 206,Adcom limited edition 585(monster),Adcom 5802,Adcom 5503, Adcom 5500 modified by Musical Designs and a 200 wpc Optical Class A Denon.

The big 585 Adcom had the best bass control. The Macs had better control than the rest but the Cary still got the bass under control with the lowest wattage while staying musical.The 5503 and 5500 had very sloppy bass on this speaker pulled 4 to 5 feet in the room. Pushing them close to the walls only made things worse.It isn't easy to get good bass(my definition of good bass) from this speaker as a whole. Now if your looking for boom that's a different story.

Also I'm not trying to put the speakers down.When setup right with the proper gear they are fun to listen to.
It's just more work than I want to deal with.;-)
I agree with Gmood1 about the positioning further out into the room. I've only ever heard them with the Anthem MCA-20 amp and bass is pretty decent but not what it would be with a better amp. I found one of the things that improved bass greatly in my system was the addition of aftermarket power cords - I'm using Virtual Dynamics Audition series on amp, pre, & CD. BTW I keep my speakers about 4 to 5 feet out into the room. In addition to improving bass quality it improves imaging.
I too have the Studio 100's v.2 and I've been please with them - never forgetting their strengths (and their weaknesses). I run mine via a Parasound HCA-2200 (I use my Yamaha RX-Z1 as a pre-amp for the parasound). 250wpc - Parasound / 130wpc - RX-Z1. My listening room is 19x23x9. The 100's are 5.5 ft from the back and side walls. I sound treated throughout - especially the back 1/2 of the room. Between my 2 power sources, I noticed the more power, the more refined the bass. I also ran the 100's from a Yamaha M-80 - with good result, more analytical than the Parasound, but still acceptable. Do you by chance have a speaker size selector? IE: Small/Large? Are your speakers set to large? Have you applied any sound treatment(s)? Are you biwiring? Is there power going to both sets of cables (if so). Are your straps in tact if not? Is your bass control NOT turned down? These are just basics. I believe in starting simple, then gradually getting more technical.
For me though, volume is necessary for the studio 100's to come alive. Not so much 'loud,' but instead, turned-up (a pretty good thump!). 2nd, I've noticed the 100's need SPACE to breath. Without it, they can disappointing (IMHO). Power - running solely from the RX-Z1, they didn't sound as dynamic (the Yamaha too made them sound fantastic, but the parasound gave them the . . . punch!) - Then again, my mind may have been telling me that, being that I knew consciously, the Parasound was disconnected. :) In closing:
Connected properly
Operable bass control
Sound treatmet (of some sort - nothing fancy required)

Hope this helps
Any one have any reviews on these speakers. New owner looking for source and amp combination. Not sure.
The Paradigm Studio 100v2 are a well built/designed speaker, if I switch them, I'll be listening to PMC IB2i's.
I am apparently one of many who find the 100v2 to lack the ability to produce bass with much authority, which is why I compensate with a Tannoy PS350B to assist with the depth, and it does so quite respectively.
With that being said, I take my hat off to Paradigm for creating such an amazing speaker for such a great price, I picked mine up second hand from a good friend who took meticulous care of them.
I find it difficult to find a great speaker that will reproduce classical/jazz and rock n roll, so two pairs of speakers might be the best solution, depending on ones mood and choice of music.
Even Bob Marelys' bass is effortlessly controlled.

Bryston 4BSST2
PS Audio AC10 Power cables to both Brystons and DAC
Bryston BP26
Bryston MPS-2
Benchmark DAC1-PRE
MIT T2 quad speaker lines
Transparent Opus MM2 IC between all three components.
Mackbook pro plays FLAC through AMARRA via usb to the DAC.