question for Eminent Technology lft-8c and panel speaker owners

Hi all, I am interested on buying an Eminent Technology lft-8c, I use my speakers for all purposes listening to music and also watching movies and series.

I had a pair of Musician Knight speakers (bookshelves) and I also had a few months with a pair of Magnepan LRS plus and I noticed that the small echoes and positioning clues get a little lost on the Magnepan or you have to play a lot of attention to get those details, the soundstage is great but when I come back to my box bookshelf speakers I notice immediatly all the details I am missing.

This is even more noticable when using headpones somethings I could be watching a video with background music and it sounds very clearly on the headphones and when I try to listen to the same video on the LRS it is like I turn on noise canceling and I listen mostly to the voice of the people on the video and the background music gets almost lost.

Are this details lost a drawback of the panel speakers and their presentation with that huge soundstage or is it only a drawback/limitation of the Magnepan?

Have you had this "issue" with the Eminent Technology lft-8c?


Showing 1 response by ozzy62