Question for Canadian members

Here's one for our Canadian members. I occasionally send things to or purchase from Canada. For some reason service seems VERY slow. I can send or receive from Japan or UK faster than to or from Canada. I live in Minnesota so Canada is right up there. I even visit (Summer only mind you). 8^) Is it Canada Post, USPS or both? Any explanation would be appreciated.
BTW: I avoid FedEx and UPS to Canada whenever possible because of "fees".

Showing 1 response by peterd

Shipping to US is usually quick.At times 2-3 days.
Shipping to Canada 10 days is minimum usually 18 days.
Expect to pay Duties even shipped USPS to Canada Post.The Gov't is looking for any money they can get. Extras fees as usual from FED-EX and the hosers UPS.