Thanks to all that have responded so far. I am recovering from a recent illness and have therefore not been able to respond to earlier posts, let alone listen to my system. To clarify, however, these are virtually new Andra 1's. As Tigerwoodkhorns noted above, new Andras are still being sold and I am the 2nd owner, purchased very recently from the 'gon and are nine months old in sum. And, to answer your question, Jim, even with very minimal tweaking, the Andra's sound incredible. I hope to be better recovered this weekend to begin dialing them into the room. As they sit currently, they are on a set of teflon pucks to enable more efficient movement around the room as I experiment with placement. It will be quite something to hear the bass, as pitch coherent as it is already, tighten up even more once the spikes are installed! I will keep everyone posted as I move forward. Thanks again to all for the helpful responses.