I have the Andra 2 now for about 1-2 years.
Every now when I get new equipment I relocate the Andra's looking for the best spot in my room.
Just got the new Pass Labs XP-10 Preamp , so away the speakers move...
What a task!.
Anyway, words of advise.
Remove the spikes so you can move the speakers around.
Try to find the spot where the bass is the best, perhaps just a little too much, then put the spikes on to tighten the bass.
My room is 25x17x8
Presently I have them 36" out from the back wall to the edge of the back of the speaker with the other side of the back 2 1/2 inches difference (to account for toe in)
I have them 34" from the side walls to the edge of the speaker cabinet (at the front top of the midrange.)
Godd starting point for you , but I will probably move them again. So keep me posted on your progress.
Every now when I get new equipment I relocate the Andra's looking for the best spot in my room.
Just got the new Pass Labs XP-10 Preamp , so away the speakers move...
What a task!.
Anyway, words of advise.
Remove the spikes so you can move the speakers around.
Try to find the spot where the bass is the best, perhaps just a little too much, then put the spikes on to tighten the bass.
My room is 25x17x8
Presently I have them 36" out from the back wall to the edge of the back of the speaker with the other side of the back 2 1/2 inches difference (to account for toe in)
I have them 34" from the side walls to the edge of the speaker cabinet (at the front top of the midrange.)
Godd starting point for you , but I will probably move them again. So keep me posted on your progress.