Question concerning db sensitivity

Someone recently told me that in their experience, in general, that the higher the db sensitivity of a given speaker, the more you sacrifice in terms of sound. In other words, lower db rated speakers [ 86-88 ] typically sound better. Any thoughts on this?


Showing 3 responses by jmcgrogan2

There is no truth to this. Speaker sensitivity has no more to do with sound quality than amplifier power, which is zilch.

Your statement is as one sided as it is inaccurate. How can you possibly say that speaker sensitivity and amplifier power have NOTHING at all to do with sound quality?


I've heard good quality, low sensitivity speakers, I've heard good quality, high sensitivity speakers. I've heard poor quality, low sensitivity speakers, I've heard poor quality, high sensitivity speakers. Same for amplifiers. In fact, if the first watt sounds of poor quality, who would want anymore?

From my 30 years in the hobby, I feel that sensitivity in a speaker and power in an amplifier are as important to quality sound as gas mileage and tank size are to a quality automobile. When car shopping, how many focus on gas mileage and gas tank size as being the key factor in the quality of the car? Sure, a big tank with good gas mileage will take you further, but does it really have anything to do with the quality of your vehicle or the enjoyment you gain from driving it?

That's my $0.02, as always YMMV.
A "generalization" like this, however, is absolutely no substute for auditioning and narrowing your choice to speakers that you personally like the sound of, which I suspect was really John and Tvad's point.

Yes, now you have at least my POV nailed. Keep in mind, that I myself own speakers that are 89 db efficiency. However, I have heard many excellent higher efficient speaker designs as well.

Generally, there are no generalizations in the audio hobby. No one else can tell you what sounds good to you, you just have to listen for yourself......sorry.
