Question about tubes in the old days

Just wondering how often did people have to change tubes back in the old days like in the 1950s or 60s?

Also, are the modern tube amps easier on tubes compared to the old radios and TVs? -resulting that the tubes will have longer life?
When I was in high school (70's) I had a Dynaco SCA-35 integrated amp...about 17 watts/side using EL-84 tubes. I listened to that thing for hours on end. I never replaced a tube. When I went to college I moved to a Pioneer solid state receiver. Fast forward many years....I figure that tubes are pretty cool again. I go home and find that old integrated amp stashed away. I plug it in. Wonderful sound from all the original tubes. My experience would suggest that old gear and old European tubes lasted a long time.
Many tube amps did not have adjustable bias voltage. The tubes were "self biased". This means less power amd/or more distortion, but it did mean a lot less fussy work.
Tubes seemed to last forever. I once had a Heathkit amp where the output tubes pulsated with a blue glow in time with the music, but I didn't replace the tubes. It was cool.
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