Question about Krell pre-pro HTS7.1

My Krell has been packed away for several years but now I have dragged it out of the closet.  I am trying to connect the Krell to my iMac via Toslink optical cable but it doesn't seem to work.  Anyone else using the optical feature?  Is there a setting on the front that I am overlooking?  Need Help!!


Thank you for the responses.  My new idea now is to go from the iMac with the optical toslink outlet into a converter that converts the signal to a standard RCA configuration that fits  the processor.  Sound OK?

Thank you for the responses.  My new idea now is to go from the iMac with optical into a converter to a standard jack configuration and utilize those outlets on the back of the pre-pro and bypass the optical connection.  Sound feasable?

Yes, I can see the red light.  I will have to figure out how to check the sample rate.  Thank you,