What happened to this website? I used to post here several years ago, and we had normal discussions on audio equipment. Now, it seems like half the people here are your typical garbage type that hates audio equipment and are only here to post negative comments on products they have never owned or experienced. Who values their time so little that they invest substantial amounts of it worrying about how complete strangers spend their own money?
Question about Break in of Weiss DAC 204
Just purchased the Weiss Dac 204 and have a question about break in. Is leaving the DAC on alone enough to consider that time for the break in period or does the entire system need to be on. In short, is playing music through the entire system required for break in. Since the Dak has no moving parts I thought that just leaving it on alone without amp, preamp etc. might be enough. Would appreciate any advice on this subject. Thanks in advance.