Quest for an external Dac has resulted in me way down the rabbit hole

Hi audio wizards!  I’ve read several articles and reviews about the benefits of a good quality external DAC, and the potential for “real” improvements in musical quality in a current system. I do believe my system might be in line .  I currently have a Rotel 955 CD player I like, a nodeii and a Creek evo 100 integrated amp.  The Ohm 1000 speakers sound a little lean in the top end although I do like them overall.  At this point I’ve been looking for a Dac that would bring a little more “spring and liven up my system”.  However, the more I research, the more confused I get.  I’ve been to a couple higher end stereo stores and I seem to just get the “party line”.  I live in Denver Colorado, and although I like the PS Audio line I can’t afford them.  If any one has any advice for me on a good quality external     
Dac model for under $1000 (new or used) I could sure use the help! Thank you



Showing 1 response by parker65310

I recommend the MHDT Orchid DAC. It uses an output tube and sound great in my system coupled with the BlueSound Node2 and an Audiolab 6000CDT cd transport. It will provide a touch of the warmth you are looking for and costs around $1,200 new. You’ll never find one used. Talk to the folks at Linear Tube Audio. They are their U.S dealer and they also carry another great tube DAC I bet you would like as well by Border Patrol. You won’t find a bad review of either companies DACs - certainly not by anyone that actually owns them.