
About a year ago I bought a new turntable (Dr. Feikert Volare) and complementary equipment. I had it assembled by a local technician as I have two left thumbs when it comes to DIY. (I know this is not a good trait for a turntable owner to have.)
I’ve been dissatisfied with the sound for some time. But I recently discovered that by tweaking the anti-skating, the sound improved dramatically. I’m now wondering what other parameters have changed during the past year.
So, not being able to tweak those other parameters myself I’m thinking of hiring the technician to come to my home to work on it. Since it sounds so good now, I’m wondering if it’s worth the expense. (He won’t be cheap.)


Showing 2 responses by mahler123

If you like what you are hearing now, I would just back and enjoy rather than obsess about what you might be missing.  The trick is when to learn when you’ve crossed the finish line.  Enjoy the music that this system is meant to reproduce.

  A word about getting an “expert” to look at your system.  I was a Primary Care Physician.  I had many patients who would be absolutely stable on their present medical regimen.  For whatever reason they decided to see a new Cardiologist, Pulmonologist, whatever.  Frequently the consultant would tweak one medication, prescribing a substitute that did exactly the same thing.  Why?  The consultant needed to justify the time, expense, and effort that the patient had made in seeking them out.  I am sure that this goes on in other fields as well.  So if you invite someone into your home to evaluate your set up, with which you are currently pleased, I’d be shocked if if they said “It’s all good, don’t change anything “


really?  See the OPs last post?  Why does he need a house call from an “audio doctor “ who will upset his Feng Shui?