Quality Transport for my Dac

I have a PS Audio Directstream Dac. Looking for advice on a good /Quality Transport to match it.
Looking to spend 1-2 grand, I have the 1s2 hdmi cable. Do not think i need to spend more. Advice Please 

Showing 2 responses by nonoise

@fruitloopsr , Sorry, but I haven't heard either. 
Having said that, I'm not into streaming and have been following the press on the Pro-ject transport and if it were me, I'd give the Pro-ject a serious look. But then, that's me. 🤔

All the best,

Check out the Pro-ject CD Box RS2 transport. Steve Guttenberg has a video review of it over on his YouTube channel:

It's more than what you want to spend (about $700+) but Steve says it bests the Jay's Audio transports that everyones been raving about.
Here's more info:

All the best,