Quality system, make poor recordings sound better?

I notice that as I move up the audio chain, poor CD recordings sound worse and the good ones sound superb, should this be the case? Also I on any given day my system sounds different even with the same CDs. Any thoughts on this as well?

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

11-07-14: Metman
there's some very good and interesting responses here but it would be nice if there were a few paragraph breaks for some of the longer ones.

Some folks do like to Ramble On. ;^)
I notice that as I move up the audio chain, poor CD recordings sound worse and the good ones sound superb, should this be the case?

Yes, this is normal. Increased resolution is a double edged sword. Think of it as putting a clearer window in your home. Your view may be better or worse depending on the view outside the window.

Also I on any given day my system sounds different even with the same CDs. Any thoughts on this as well?

This probably has to do with your power. Many notice it will even sound different at different times during the day. Usually the system will sound better when overall electrical usage is lower, on evenings and weekends.
