Quality CD player to also serve as external DAC?

I'm looking for a good quality used CD player for under 1000.00, that would have a digital input, so I could use it's quality DAC in conjunction with a Sony 400 CD changer.

Quad CDP-99 (MSRP $1500). I haven't ever heard it, but did consider buying it at one time, as it is very well regarded. You can pick them up used for <$1000, or contact Wally at Underwood HiFi who may be able to give you a deal. He's here on the Gon by the way.
musical fidelity Pre24 CD...has two coaxial and toslnk inputs and two coaxial and toslink outputs

three line level inputs w/tape moniter, record out

one pair of preamp outs

A/D converter so can you record analogue to digital (get those LPs to CDR)

analogue volume control

same transport as their expensive Trivista CDP

was current product in 2002 and goes for less than a grand used....retail was 3000..lovely appearance and built like a tank
The Quad 99 CDP CD Player (not the older non-CDP version) is excellent for the used price. It has 6 digital inputs and it also has an excellent built-in analog volume control. If you have an all digital system, you can connect the Quad directly to a power amp and forget about an expensive pre-amp.

I've owned the Quad and several other CD players with digital inputs (including one of the ones mentioned above) and I can tell you, the Quad is a great bargain and only gets outperformed by CD players costing a lot more money (at least 2-3X more IMHO).


Thanks for the suggestions guys. I did check into them, and I think that they may be more than I need.
I am running a bryston amp and preamp system.
I like having all my CD's in a carosel for organization and convience.
I want a single CD player to sample CD's before putting them into the changer. And I would also like to try a higher quality DAC, than what's in the Sony CDP M555ES changer.

What is thought of California Audio Lab CL-15?

Cal Audio has been out of business for ten years or close to that. If it breaks it could be a proprietary part and you are pretty much screwed unless you want to start building a pile of these things to scavenge parts. Some of their transports/players used proprietary transports; just so you are aware!

I am trying to stick with digital products that are supported by companies still in business.
Thanks for the heads up C123666.
I thought I had the perfect unit, but I fully agree,
it is key to buy products which will have parts available. Especially on units with moving parts.

I would back up the opinions of the Quad mentioned by the posters above. I recently acquired the CDP-2 (the official designation for the 2005-updated CDP-99; the original CDP99 seems to have had some transport-related issues, now fixed). The CDP-2 designation is not much used here in the US but google it and you will see that virtually all European dealers use it.

I did not understand your comment, Trubluluc, about being more than you need. The Quad is a cd player and also has six digital inputs (3 optical, 3 RCA-type) which makes it very versatile and seems like exactly what you need. (I think its DAC is very good btw). It also has a volume control and both fixed and variable outs so you can use with or without a preamp. Really, 3 units in one.

Anyway, am happy with mine. Another plus for me is I am in a downsizing mode, and I mean that more in a physical sense. The Quad is small (12" wide) and I love its looks after having played with some giant gear in the past. No doubt I will swing back that way again in a couple years but I am liking the small stuff now.

See if you can get one to audition. Or used at or under $1K is not a bad deal; you can probably sell it for the same figure if you don't like it.
Thanks Kick-

What I meant was: I didn't need so many imputs, one digital input would be enough. Don't need volume control either as I have a bryston preamp that I'm quite happy with, and who needs yet another remote control on the table right?
This may be a viable option however, because I simply can't find many high quality CD players with quality DAC's that have a digital imput for around 1000. used.
One would think it would be easy enough for manufactures to include an input. Because if the DAC is that good, I'm sure people would consider using it as a stand alone DAC, also and save having to buy another unit.

My only other consideration, and I know it shouldn't matter, but I hate silver componentry. Every other piece of gear I own, including my rack, is black. Putting one piece of silver in the system, would look odd.

As for remote, you are still going to have a cdp remote, right? the Quad volume control is in the same remote of course.

As to color, well that is indeed personal. But the Quad is actually more grey (2 shades of it) than silver. I have other (bright)silver stuff and it does not go with them either. Vive la difference!

I thought the color would bother me (this actually held me back from buying the player for so long that the version 2 came out while I was thinking about that, over 6 months!). Turns out to be a non-issue. I think if you like the sound of any component well enough you (meaning I) give a darn about its looks as long as it doesn't look like &*^%. And the Quad is attractive in its own right. Different certainly. Will not match with anything except other Quad gear and that too in the 99 lineup. But what else in your system, if not made by the same mfg and in roughly the same timeframe (I know I am going to catch heat for this), really **matches** with anything else?
I asked Peter Qvortrup (Audio Note UK) if he could add a digital input, or two, to his new CD player. His response was that it would add more complexity and, hence, cost. His advice was to buy an external dac.

That is, unless you have that very good Musical Fidelity PreCD24 unit. Been listening to it and it is very good.
Why not just buy another inexpensive cd player (make sure it has a different digital out than your Sony Mega changer), and then by a separate DAC?

Most DACs I've seen will accept inputs from more than one source. That way you could experiment with the way different DACs sound in your system.

Ultimately that is what I had to do.
I bought a benchmark dac 1, and an older reference pioneer single cd player.
The sound is improved, and I'm very happy with it.