I find the tech specs of  LITTELFUSE very informative,enlightening and reassuring.
I am considering using them on my treasured reference level SPECTRAL electronics.
Anyone with experience using or EE level comments? Many thanks. Music lover and long time
audiophile, Peter.

Showing 5 responses by ptss

To ebm. Caps in heading were inadvertent. I was in a hurry. I tried to correct it later but system wouldn't allow it after the 1st post. Correction allowed only before someone else posts. Fwiw, I do think it's an important topic and was impressed to learn the LITTELFUSES are used in critical medical and aerospace industries. I am not commenting on sound quality as I haven't tried them--but I will report after I try them ( I'm trying to rationalize a purchase based on the age of the 'old' fuses in use;but,it seams I have heard somewhere that the longer the metal is in use the smoother the current flow? ). I did take a look at one of the 'audiophile quality' manufacturers mentioned in a post above. Honestly; I found the information ludicrous,or silly. My guess is there must be truly ocd types in this hobby that will buy "anything" to satisfy there craving - and P.T. Barnum made it official years ago that a fool and his money are soon parted
Dear geoff,of course you would question Ralph's knowledge,you would win if you're right;as that puts him an a league with you. They say misery loves company. Interesting----or not

Lest anyone take  geoffkait  "in the least" seriously, please check
what nonsense he purports to represent at  www.machinadynamica.com/machina5.htm
truly as sad an example of non-sense as I've ever seen.
And if he feels he's "joking around" he should put some "he-he's" at the end of his comments.
(For those of us with respect for serious hi-fi enthusiasts and manufacturers)
For all folks previously unaware of geoff's non-sense; he can't even spell the name of http://www.machinadynamica.com/machina5.htm correctly. 
His are the types of "ideas" and "non-sense revelations"  that some pathetic individuals and their companys use to try to makes "audio-fools" out of inexperienced audiophiles--by getting them to spend hard earned money--on pure junk; or as they refer to it-crap.  My hat is off to the many genuine,intelligent and responsible people in our industry who have and continue to patiently design good products or work to guide music lovers to make wise choices in hi-fi purchases . To people of other ilk; please go in a corner and discuss,promote and market your "crap" to each other..