Quadraspire X-Reference stand

Always considered vibration control a "Dark Art", and my newest acquisition continues in that vein.  I've used for years a Quadraspire Sunoko Vent stand which sounds really nice, a great improvement over years of Target stands.  Now, to my amazement the new X-Extreme is clearly audibly beyond the Sunoko.

First thing I noticed was more blackness, the system seems quieter.  Then the dynamics are improved without being shouty.  There is more space around the instruments which simply means more resolution.  Imaging is better with more center-fill.  Everything is plainly improved with no discernible downside.........well my pocket book.......big time.

I must say, I still have no real idea how all of this works so well, but it is no fantasy that it does.  It is a really expensive stand, there is no arguing that.  But the argument is either this, or chasing even more expensive components for improvement.  Pay your money, make your choices.

System:  Naim UnitiServe music server, Naim DAC 1, Nordost Silver Shadow digital cable, Decware ICs and speaker cabling, Manley Neo-Classic 300B preamp with ridiculously upgraded 300B tubes, Manley Mahi Mahi mono blocks with ridiculously upgraded Tungsram/Golden Lion tubes, Merlin Black Magic monitors with upgraded caps on Sound Organization massed stands.

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Congratulations, that is rewarding indeed!  Stands for me are one of the most challenging pieces to place in the system.  I have a couple that I don't love and several amp stands.

I have always used long ic's and placed stands on the side wall.  I am now into short IC's so what goes between my speakers must not draw attention  to itself with imaging.  Still searching.