Quad 988 versus Quad 2805

I am soliciting opinions from owners of both speakers, or individuals that have heard both in the SAME system. The newer version obviously looks more rigid and, in my view, more attractive. However, the difference in price between a used 988 and a new 2805 is very significant. For those who are familiar with both, what, if any, sonically significcant differences exist?

Showing 1 response by rleane

I own 988s and 57s. If you speak to the tech guy at Quad UK he says there is no real difference in sound between the 988 and 2805 and they have pretty much the same spec. If you look at reviews / speak to shops they all say the 2805s have a much more solid bass. I heard the 2805s in two shops - the first I thought had a lot more bass and the second I thought was much the same as my 988s, although both listening rooms were too small. My gut instinct is to believe the tech the guy at Quad. Frankly I think a really good pair of 57s is the best (somehow I find the 988s a little boring in comparison), although the 57s take a LOT of TLC and I just couldn't be bothered anymore (even though it is relatively easy for me as I live in the UK)

Hope that helps – I’d be very interested in other peoples opinions in 988 vs 2805 and 57s.