Quad 988 versus Quad 2805

I am soliciting opinions from owners of both speakers, or individuals that have heard both in the SAME system. The newer version obviously looks more rigid and, in my view, more attractive. However, the difference in price between a used 988 and a new 2805 is very significant. For those who are familiar with both, what, if any, sonically significcant differences exist?

Showing 2 responses by mrtennis

permit me to throw a curve.

i have heard the two speakers at ces and at an audio dealer.

they are "glorified esl 63s" .

why not consider the quad esl ?

i realize that you are asking about the current and recent quads, but i am so disappointed with the sound of both products, that i thought i would make a suggestion.

i also owned esl 63s for over 10 years.
the 988's, 989's and 2805 are based upon the esl 63. consider the more recent versions of the quad speaker as modified esl 63s. they have greather extension, more dynamic range and they are better braced.

personally, i prefer the spectral balance of the quad 63.

however, having owned quad 57's for about 9 years, i would say they have the least colored midrange of any speaker i have heard.

you are a wise man to consider refurbished quad 57s.

i miss them. my concern with this speaker is the fragility of the panel. be careful of the amp you use, hopefully under 50 watts of tubes. do not play too loud.