Quad 57s with after market power cords

Anybody try a pair of power cords, such as Sablon, DCCA, Shunyata, etc on original Quad 57s?

I used homemade power cords made with braided Kimber cable. The original Quad power cords are crap. Relatively speaking, of course. I also ran my 57 Quads competely naked. No grills, no dust covers. They’re bad news. I also used the Arcicci stands.

Geoff Kait
machina dynamica
no goats no glory
Amen on the sans grills! One of the worst moves in listening, imo, is to shove a screen ahead of a driver. :(

I replaced my 989 stock cords with panga 9's.   Made a difference and didn't break the bank.  You can find them at audio adviser.  Good luck and please post your finds.