Quad 57' system upgrade suggestions requested

Happy Holidays Audiogoners - my system consists of stacked Quad 57's with Decca ribbon tweeters, 2 Fried 10 inch subwoofers in a transmission line enclosure, a stereo Bedini 25/25 1mg amplifier driving my Decca's, a pair of bridged Bedini 25/25 1mg amplifiers for my stacked Quads and a Levinson ML 3 driving my woofers, a Convergent Audio Technologies SL1 Reference mk.2 preamp, Symmetry ASC1 and ASC2 crossovers, a SOTA Star Saphire with a Sumiko 800 tonearm and a Koetsu Onyx long body cartridge, Yamaha T2 tuner, Revox A77 1/4 track reel to reel, Stax Lambda headphones with a Stax SR12 energiser, Levinson cables, VPI record cleaning machine and Zoethecus stands. I also have a Forsell Air Reference Mk.1 turntable which is not connected that I will sell in all probability. I love my stacked Quads and I really like my Bedini amplifiers but its time to upgrade my system and i hope you can make some sound recommendations. Every component is open for change except my Quads and I will listen to Bedini alternatives as well. I listen to classic and roots rock, jazz and large scale classical music. Mu current room is 20 x 13 x 8 but I'm expecting to have a larger listening room though not gigantic by the Summer. My upgrade budget is betwwen $25,000-$35,000. Please keep in mind that I am open to used equipment and to tube amplification to drive my Quads. I am looking for as natural sounding a system as possible and am looking for component companies that stand behind their products and are willing to upgrade an older components if need be in the future. I am not looking to do a lot of tweeking and like to listen loud but not at deafining levels. I know this is a lot to digest but I'm certain that the Audiogon community can provide a plethora of sound advice. thanks in advance, rich

Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

Alex, can I buy a paragraph break,please?! Dude, your post is virtually un-readable.

Having said that [smile], the Quads would benefit from a big-ass, high-current amp. And a sweet tube-based preamp would sound good in that mix. No need to spend $25-35K, though...
