Quack System Upgrades

Ok, so what's the most ridiculous "SNAKE OIL" upgrade you have come across?

Let the fun begin HAHAHA :) :)


Showing 11 responses by crazyeddy

Yes Dave, I did notice how things were turning in an un-intentioned manner from my post. I had hoped for humor. Lets hope for some laughs out of this and nothing more.

Tis the season to be jolly :)

All the best to you as well Dave,


@dlcockrum  This is meant to be a humorous post Dave, not out to stir up anything at all, and don't mean to. Lets just have some fun and laugh.

I'll add one of my favorite Snake Oil advertisements to give you and example of where I'm going with this. Please read the whole thing.


My apologies to anyone who misinterpreted my intentions. Just out for a bit of humor, and a chuckle or two.

Sorry guys, I had no intention of this getting serious. My wording of the post probably could have been a little better. I was hoping for stuff like Nigel Tuffnel's Marshall amp that goes to 11 (Spinal Tap) or a product like Organlike Cables. See link below.


I was hoping to share some laughs, not serious debates.

That being said, What Snake Oil upgrades (that are obviously not real) have you come across. Lets try to keep it funny folks. I like to laugh :)

Along the humorous line, does anyone know if  machinadynamica is  real

Or is this a "tongue and cheek" humorous web site? (perhaps administrated my Nigel Tuffnel himself)

 I saw a few months back an add they had for beach sand or pebbles (can't remember which) that were supposed to be used for something or other. Isolation perhaps?

Where's the funny stuff?? C'mon guys, lets have some fun. I can't be the only member who enjoys a good amount of levity.

@geoffkait  Re: Teleportation Tweak

That's awesome!!! HAHAHAHAHa that's more like it :) Love the comic book too. Still chuckling !!!

Not as funny, but still a good one Geoff. A "quantum" leap forward in technology for sure.

OK, Geoff, I checked out the Silver Rainbow Foil. This must work for sure, but I need instructions (which are not given) on where to apply to all my prized Audiophile 8 tracks !!!!


@bcowen  That's great advice!! Thanks so much for the tip. I had some specially tele-transported to me ( as I was far to impatient to wait for normal shipping) and will be applying it tonight, as per your great instructions. I am so anxious to give this a go with my entire catalogue of Bay City Rollers 8 tracks, that I feel like a kid before X-Mass !!!!

@dlcockrum  in regards to your link to http://shunmook.com/userinfo/Tips%20for%20the%20Crazed%20Shun%20Mook%20Users.pdf

Item number 6 really hit me. I have a dozen (or so) guitars in my listening room. Over the years I have struggled with the idea of removing them, but really don't have anywhere else to put them, and perhaps more importantly, I really enjoy having them in the room. I have never had them out of the room to evaluate the sonic differences. It has always nagged at me that they may be creating reflections that would possibly be detrimental. This statement from Shun Mook seems to re-enforce the idea that it would be a positive advantage to have them in the room. Now, all of these are solid body electrics. I do have an acoustic, but keep it in another room, as I feel that it being a hollow body, it would be resonating with the music being played on my stereo. I'm not trying to take this anywhere, just making a comment on the link, and how it relates to my environment. Thanks for the link Dave


@dlcockrum  Hi Dave. You hit the nail right on the head! I have none of my guitar amplifier cabs (or combos) in the room for just this reason. They will act as passive radiators.

The beginning of a new thread........ Hmmm.   Perhaps.   

Best to you Dave